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Lactose Assay Kit - Sequential/High Sensitivity

Lactose Assay Kit - Sequential/High Sensitivity
Content【规格】 | 65 assays per kit |
Shipping Temperature【运输温度】 | 环境温度 |
Storage Temperature【储存温度】 | 短期稳定:2-8℃ 长期稳定:详见单独组分标签 |
Stability【稳定性】 | >2年(在推荐的储存条件下) |
Analyte【分析物】 | Lactose |
Assay Format【分析方法】 | Spectrophotometer |
Detection Method | 吸光度(Absorbance) |
Wavelength (nm)【波长(nm)】 | 340 |
Signal Response【信号响应】 | 增加 |
Linear Range【线性范围】 | 1 to 50 μg of lactose (or 0.50 to 25 μg of D-glucose) |
Limit of Detection【检出限】 | 1.62 mg/L |
Reaction Time (min)【反应时间(min)】 | ~10 min |
Advantages【产品特点】 | ·世界上第一个乳糖连续测定法,即提高了准确性和效率 [·World’s first sequential assay for lactose, i.e. improves accuracy and efficiency] ·含有一种特殊的β-半乳糖苷酶,用于选择性测定乳制品中的乳糖 [·Contains a specific β-galactosidase for the selective measurement of lactose in dairy products] ·高效的预处理步骤可准确测量“低乳糖”和“无乳糖”乳制品中的乳糖 [·Efficient pre-treatment step allows for accurate measurement of lactose in "low-lactose" and "lactose-free" dairy products] ·比任何其他市售酶促乳糖检测方法的检测下限(LOD)低。LOD为1.62 mg/L [·Lower limit of detection (LOD) than any other commercially available enzymatic lactose detection method. LOD at 1.62 mg/L] ·极具竞争力的价格(每次测试的成本) [·Very competitive price (cost per test)] |